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Psychology in Maryland

Psychology.org Staff Writers
Updated on August 22, 2024

For psychologist licensing in Maryland, the state offers some distinct advantages, including temporary licensing while waiting for a reciprocal license. Veterans and their spouses who apply for a license within one year of discharge (except for dishonorable discharge) receive expedited psychology license processing.

This guide explains Maryland psychology license requirements in Maryland and outlines typical Maryland psychologist salary ranges. Read on for more information about practicing as a psychologist in the state.

Psychologist Salaries in Maryland
Job TitleLowest 10%Median Annual SalaryHighest 10%
Clinical and counseling psychologists$47,850$82,710$147,340
School psychologists$61,010$94,460$118,720
Psychology Teachers, Postsecondary$50,080$78,270$129,240
Psychologists, all other$52,170$114,050$159,700

Source:Bureau of Labor Statistics

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Maryland Psychology License Requirements and Procedures

The organization responsible for psychologist licensing, Maryland’s Board of Examiners of Psychologists is part of the state board of health. Like those in many other states, the Maryland psychology board requires a doctorate from an accredited program, a passing score on the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP), a passing score on a Maryland jurisprudence examination, and a clean criminal background check. All new and renewing licensees must complete an approved implicit bias training program. (This is a one-time licensing requirement.)

Applicants who graduated from a practice-oriented program must have a minimum 3,250 hours of supervised professional experience (SPE), including 1,750 hours of an internship. At least 2,438 of these hours must be under the supervision of a qualified psychologist. If you graduated from a program other than a practice-oriented program, you need at least two years of SPE and t 3,250 hours of professional experience in psychology research, assessment, or related fields, under the supervision of a qualified psychologist.

For psychologists from other states in good standing seeking a Maryland psychology license, Maryland offers limited reciprocity. These applicants can receive a temporary license while waiting to take the Maryland jurisprudence examination.

License Requirements

  • check-circle Doctorate in psychology
  • check-circle At least 3,250 hours of supervised practice or supervised research experience
  • check-circle Passing score (500) on the EPPP
  • check-circle Passing score (75%) on the Maryland jurisprudence examination
  • check-circle One-time completion of an approved course in implicit bias
  • check-circle Clear criminal background check or written explanation of circumstances behind any criminal convictions (note that not all convictions would lead to automatic rejection of the application)

Demand for Psychology in Maryland

Only 21.9% of the state’s population lives in an area with enough mental health professionals to meet needs, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. Almost 1.3 million residents live in an area without enough professional providers. Working in a designated shortage area may make you eligible for loan forgiveness, while still allowing you to live closer to urban amenities than in other states with extensive shortage areas.

To earn or renew a Maryland psychology license, the Maryland psychology board requires training in implicit bias. Maryland, especially Baltimore, is a diverse state, economically as well as racially. While it has less economic inequality than many states, the average income among the top 20% of households is $280,115, while the average income among the bottom 20% of households is just $18,902, accounting for 3.3% of all earnings statewide.