Who are you?

    Originally started in 1997 by Dr. William Palya and Dr. Donald Walter, the Psychology.org staff is now made up of psychology professionals who represent the breadth of the discipline and a team of editors, designers and developers who bring our vision to life. To meet the minds behind the site, refer to our experts page.

    When and why did you relaunch the site?

    We relaunched the site in 2015 with a slightly new vision. The site needed an overhaul to stay in step with the times, particularly in terms of creating a more mobile-friendly, navigable user experience. We also created a number of new resources covering psychology education and career choices. Learn more at our About Us page.

    Is Psychology.org a non-profit organization?

    No, we are not. We are reimbursed by sponsored schools. You can read more about how we make money below.

    Do you provide any counseling or psychology services?

    No we do not, nor do we direct visitors to any such services. For this sort of assistance, always start by consulting with a trusted medical professional.

    What resources do you provide for students? For professionals?

    Psychology.org researches and publishes a wealth of resources for students and professionals alike. When it comes to higher education, we have you covered. You’ll find information on college prep, psychology degrees, specializations, financial aid, and more. And if you’re already working as a psychologist and are interested in advancing your career, feel free to browse our networking tips, resume guide, and other content produced by our panel of experts.

    Where has Psychology.org been featured?

    Here is a small selection of organizations that have referenced our work on their websites:
    • Florida State University
    • Library of Congress
    • Los Angeles Public Library
    • Michigan State University Department of Psychology
    • Truckee Meadows Community College
    • Robbinsville High School

    Are all the resources on your site free to view? Can I share them or reference them?

    Yes, all materials on the site are free to access. You are welcome to share or reference our site or any of our resources, we just ask that you properly cite our content, particularly by providing a link to the specific resource referenced.

    What is your relationship with HigherEducation.com?

    We are owned and operated by HigherEducation.com.

    What are “Featured Schools”? Can my school be featured?

    These are schools with which we have financial partnerships. You can read more about how these partnerships work below. If you’re interested in partnering with us, please contact contact@support.psychology.org.

    What is your advertising policy?

    Some of the information on our site may come directly from client schools — or “Sponsored Schools” — from which we receive compensation for our services. In the interests of transparency, these schools will be accompanied by labels reading “Featured,” “Sponsored,” or something similar. In addition, the institutions themselves are responsible for confirming the accuracy and currentness of the information as we do not verify it independently prior to publication.

    We make no guarantees as to the completeness of any school listings on our site, including those categorized by program, location, or other similar factors.

    What schools are included in your database? Where do the statistics come from?

    All of the schools listed in our directory were pulled from The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), a database maintained by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Statistics within the school directory likewise come from IPEDS. Our directory is updated annually with the most recent data provided by the NCES; this information was reported by the schools themselves and has not been independently verified by our staff.

    Where does the information on this site come from?

    Most data reported on this site comes from publicly available government datasets, such as the job stats and projections found on the site, which come from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics’ Occupational Employment Statistics. Education reports, such as number of psychology degrees awarded annually, are most often pulled from the American Psychological Association or its affiliates. All information on this site is properly cited and reflects the most current data available to the public.

    Can I still submit my psychology resource to the site?

    Yes! New contributions make our encyclopedia a vital tool for psychologists and students. Our Submissions page covers all requirements and allows you to submit your resource, which we will host after it passes our approval process. For further guidance, refer to the Encyclopedia.

    How do I become a contributor?

    If you feel you have something to add to the information covered here, you can get a hold of us at contact@support.psychology.org. We’re especially looking for contributions from professionals in the field or students of psychology. This site is all about getting worthwhile perspectives in psychology out to the greater online community. You could be the next to join our ranks.

    If you’re not a contributor, but still want to get a hold of us for whatever reason, you can do so by emailing us at contact@support.psychology.org. You can also review our Press Kit page if you are interested in the information we provide to media outlets.